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Mental healthcare crucial in peace building – U. S. institute
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It is with utmost pleasure I welcome you to our website and introduce you to our vision, mission, goals, and services. Federal Neuro-Psychiatric Hospital Kaduna has an outstanding reputation for excellent patient and family-centered and recovery-modeled mental healthcare and services. Federal Neuro-Psychiatric Hospital Kaduna was founded in 1996 and became one of the 8 Neuro-Psychiatric Hospitals in Nigeria.
Our vision is “to be the leading center of excellence for quality mental healthcare, mental health education and training” and our mission is “to provide quality and affordable mental healthcare, delivered by well trained, highly motivated and patient friendly professional mental health personnel”.
The hospital has a range of services incorporating a continuum of care that considers both the quality and quantity of activity to realize relevant SDGs. We have the following service departments: Medical, Laboratory and Pharmacy services with outstanding quality and means to provide for the various needs of persons with a widerange of mental health challenges including vulnerable ones.
Invitation to tender for execution of 2024 capital project
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To be the leading centre of excellence for quality mental healthcare, mental health education, research and training.
To provide quality and affordable mental healthcare: delivered by well trained, highly motivated and patient friendly professional mental health personnel.
Staff of the month
Staff of the month
Finance and Account Department
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