school of post basic psychiatric nursing, federal neuro psychiatric hospital barnawa, kaduna.


The school of post basic psychiatric nursing is a department saddled with the responsibility of training post basic psychiatric nurses for duration of eighteen months broken into three semesters.

Aside this core responsibility we are also saddled with the responsibility of providing mental health experience to Schools of Nursing, Midwifery and Health technology within and outside Kaduna state.

staff strength; the school has the following staff:

  • Nurse tutors: 5
  • Clinical instructors: 4
  • Guest lecturers: 5
  • Admin officer: 1
  • Clerical officer: 1
  • Attendants: 2
  • Compound cleaners: 5
  • Security men


The school has record the following achievements:

  • Renovation of staff offices
  • Renovation of staff toilets
  • Purchase of additional practical demonstration items
  • Purchase of additional library books
  • Upgrade of computer laboratory with internet connectivity
  • Painting of parts of hostel kitchens and rooms
  • Block of two new classrooms and three offices
  • Block of new hostel with twenty rooms accommodating 40 students
  • Successful accreditation of the school by the nursing and midwifery council of Nigeria.
  • Upgrade of computer laboratory, is now the Centre is CBT Exam Ready.